Monday, 23 May 2005


my journal has finally reached the milestone of 30,000 visitors !!  yea yea i know .. kinda sappy i know, but still !!
thank you so much to ALL the readers who've visited my journal since July 20, 2003 !!
and especially, a huge thanks to my distinguished milestone visitor ..
Comment Added
A comment has been posted to the Journal:
Just One Girls Head Noise
Monday Photo Shoot : Night Scenes
Comment from: plittle
Well, I had something very clever to say, until I found out that I had been beaten to it. Three or four times.

and now for something even more sappy .. i'm saving this screen shot as proof cause i plan on taking down my tracker/counter from .. even though i still don't trust the counter supplied by aol not to reset to zero again, i really would like to put something more interesting in my all about me section

Monday Photo Shoot : Night Scenes

by way of Mr Scalzi's Monday Photo Shoot:  Night Scenes Your Monday Photo Shoot: Night Scenes  

while i wouldn't particularly call this photo a "striking scene at night" .. (ok, i wouldn't call it anything remotely close to that) it just happens to be the only night photo that i've ever taken that was in any way worth keeping
as i went out one evening to have a quick smoke, i decided to try to capture a shot of the full moon with my digital camera .. what i ended up capturing was instead my cigarette smoke .. turned out kinda of eerie eh !!

Saturday, 21 May 2005

just another drive-by

my son just finished his "drive by"

ya know .. drive up to moms house, take a shower, get something to eat .. leave .. 

least he stopped long enough to find out if his grades had been posted from his sophomore year at University of Hawaii .. yup .. they had .. he just earned a 3.4 GPA !!!

and not that animated gif this has anything to do with anything but its so cute i couldn't resist lol  

i must have watched this thing 10 times now and i'm still laughing !!!

Friday, 13 May 2005

How to promote your AOL journal

this entry is my attempt to answer some of the questions i've been receiving lately from new journalers who are interested in increasing their readership
i have a few suggestions, please, just keep in mind that these are MY personal opinion .. i am confident that there is more than one way to skin a cat and not everyone will agree with my suggestions, but here are a few things you might want to consider ... 
first, be aware of the simple fact that not everyone appreciates or enjoys an identical type of journal content or format, so the more people that read your journal, the better chance you have of finding regular readers who are considerate enough to leave encouraging comments
ADVERTISE YOUR JOURNAL !! i would suggest that you pick a handful of journals you consider enjoyable .. journals that have the same "audience" that you feel might be interested in your journal
make it a point to visit those journals on a regular basis and introduce yourself .. let them know how you found their journal .. then keep going back and leave comments along with the FULL url for your journal (
remember that the url for aol journals IS case sensitive (there is nothing more frustrating than for someone to leave a comment with a note to "visit my journal" yet they don't take the time to let you know where their journal is .. or worse yet, give the wrong url !!)
if someone is considerate enough to leave well thought out and encouraging comments in MY journal, you can bet that i'm going to be motivated to return the favor !!

put the links to those handful of journals in your Other Journals section .. that section is one of the deciding factors when i choose to visit another journal on a regular basis .. if their other journal section is empty it is an indication to me that they have no interest in other journals and i quickly lose interest in their journal
TARGET YOUR READERS !!  is the font you use in your journal large enough for most readers to see?  are your selected journal colors inviting?  while a size 10 purple font on a burgundy background might look good to you, what you might be doing is eliminating a large number of aol members that simply can't see what you are attempting to share
CHOOSE YOUR CONTENT !!  be aware of who you envision is your "target audience" and when you write, keep them in mind .. if it is your desire to attract people who complain and moan .. then by all means, fill each journal entry with complaining and negativity .. but remember that if you intend on attracting humorous thoughtful readers then you need to post similar content so that they want to come back for more
are you a collector of jokes, memorable quotes or recipes? are you are family oriented?  then visit journals with similar content and target those readers !!
BECOME INVOLVED !!  there is a growing community of aol journalers who are connected by one single commonality, we each have an AOL Journal .. become "involved" in the community .. start by joining and becoming involved in the Born to Blog Community and the AOL Journal Message Board .. you might also want to check out the member guided message board J-land Bar and Grill

PARTICIPATE in one of the interactive journals mr scalzi's weekend assignment - check out an example here Weekend Assignment #58: Mothers and Children check his journal daily for the newest Assignment - By The Way...  

participate in patricks place "Saturday Six" - The Saturday Six - Episode 56

participate in the Journal Jar - 
The Journal Jar
MAKE IT EASY FOR PEOPLE TO FIND YOUR JOURNAL .. add the link to your journal(s) on your message board signature and your AOL profile

to add a link to your journal in your message board signature:
click "setup" or "preferences" at the top of any message board
click "signature"
open your journal
click on the favorite place heart (the little red heart appearing in the right hand corner)
hold the button down and drag the heart over to the signature area
click "save"

now anytime you post to a message board, as long as the "use signature" box is checked, your link will appear

to add your link to your AOL profile:go to keyword: myprofile
click on "my profile" in the upper right corner
click on "links" from list in the left column
open your journal click and drag the favorite place heart from your journal into the text area
click "finish"

there are 2 known publicly used and member created AOL Journal Directories that are used by journalers to find other journals to read .. you can leave the link to your journal in the comment section of either directory to have your journal added

AOL Journal Directory (journals listed by screen name) created by myself : AOL Journal Directory

The Unofficial AOL Journal (journals listed by interest) created by lioneyes4you : The Unofficial AOL Journal Directory

there are some of us that werelucky enough to have started a journal back when it was first introduced in beta testing .. with only a handful of journals to choose from, things were less
complicated !! but with the recent surge in aol journals, i have a hard time deciding which journals i choose to visit and contribute to
MAKE AN EFFORT TO FIND READERS !!  you need to go out and find your readers !!
USE YOUR JOURNAL to share other journals that you find interesting .. both by using the other journals section and perhaps highlighting selected journals in entries
BE CONSISTENT .. be patient .. be uplifting and encouraging .. if you are just now finding your way to aol journals,be aware that most of us have already used up the allotment of links in our other journals sections .. its just a tad more competitive than it was when AOL Journals were initially created for that limited and valuable space to add links to other journals
even i was forced a few days ago to sit down and take a serious look at the links in my other journals section .. i was finding new and interesting journals to read but there simply wasn't room to add them all .. i had to sit down and decide which links to eliminate .. those that were filled with constant negativity or had fonts that were too small to read or had backgrounds that were too dark, or journals that were no longer posting daily updates were the ones to be removed so that i could add new links to journals with more appealing content
if its not your nature to compete with the established journals then go out and find other new journals and target them !!
show them how to entice readers through adding comments to other journals .. put up a link in your journal to the Born to Blog community
MAKE A COMMITMENT !!  it does take a lot of time and effort to get your journal established .. if you are just starting out, plan on spending several hours a day to compose your journal entries and make the rounds to leave comments .. the established journalers can vouch for the fact that you can't expect to take a few days off and retain your readership until well after you are established 
above all, try to have fun !!  although it has become more competitive .. the rewards of having regular, considerate readers makes this all worthwhile

Thursday, 12 May 2005

countdown to Mother's day

ok .. i know "officially" Mother's Day was sunday .. but i decided to take a rain check

i'm counting down till the days my 20 year old son arrives home from hawaii after completing his 2nd year of college
6 days and counting !!

i haven't seen my boy since Christmas .. 5 months .. 5 very long months

ask me if i'm just a little excited !!!

he's hoping to stay for just a few weeks and then head back to hawaii .. a few weeks .. a few days .. hell, i've got withdrawal and i'd settle for a few glorious hours with my boy

since he went back to school shortly after Christmas, he's celebrated his 20th birthday .. i've celebrated my 48th birthday .. mothers day has come and gone .. nobody asked, but it pretty much felt like every other day to me .. there was still laundry to be done .. dishes to be washed .. cats to be fed .. carpets to be vacuumed .. and so forth and so on

still i'm a proud momma .. my baby boy is finishing up his 2nd year of college .. in a few short months my baby girl will be heading off to high school where i've decided to enroll her in "How not to lose your cellphone 101"
"mom .. i pretty much plan on staying with you (instead of with dad) when i come home this summer" my son told me this weekend, wanting to know if that was ok ..
hmmmm .. let me think about it !!

Friday, 6 May 2005

a rolling stone gathers no moths

first thing this morning i noticed one of our cats, momma, scratching frantically trying to get something out from under the stove .. great .. i haven't recovered from the last creature and here we go with another one

except this was a little different .. obviously the creature was still alive or it wouldn't have taken refuge under the stove

i wondered if i had time to pack and move before it ventures out of its safe hiding space

eventually momma cat gave up trying to retrieve her newest toy and went outside again to play .. the creature decided it was time to make a break for it

to give you some perspective as to its enormity, the glass is 6 1/2 inches tall and the diameter of the rim of the glass is 3 INCHES and it barely covered this killer moth .. and yes, its alive

this creature is now on its way to my daughters science teacher .. there was NO way i was terminating its life nor could i risk letting it free with the outside chance that it might return when i least expect it
i guess its a step up from rats eh?

Thursday, 5 May 2005

word to my cats

i love my kitties .. i really do .. but not when it rains  

it seems that they've taken to bringing their newest victims into the house when its raining .. its not bad enough that there IS a victim, but to open my bedroom door at 5 am to a "present" from my kitties is getting to be too much for me to take .. way too much .. we're going on 4 dead playthings posing as presents in the last week .. and my patience has run out  

i don't especially care for rats, mice and moles .. not at 5 am .. not at 5 PM .. not dead .. not alive .. not outside .. not inside .. not in the kitchen .. not in the dining room .. not in either of the bedrooms .. enough is enough guys .. i do not like them here or there, i do not like them anywhere  

normally i don't mention my latest findings to my daughter lest she be totally creeped out .. but this morning i questioned her ..  

"guess what present the cats left for me outside my bedroom door this morning?!?"  
she innocently replied .. "more mothers day flowers?"

thats my girl

Monday, 2 May 2005

oh!!! lets play !!!

ever since i purchased my daughter a cell phone, she's developed a new game that we play on at least a weekly basis .. the game?
"find the cellphone"

i've played it long enough to know the rules .. when the phone has gone MIA, it was either stolen by a stranger or i moved it to a place she can't find it

take last weekend .. we went shopping with and brought along one of her friends .. after shopping we stopped for a quick bite to eat .. after leaving the restaurant, now just a few blocks from home, she begins looking for her phone .. then remembers her friend borrowed it at dinner so its still sitting on the table .. thankfully it was turned in safely to the manager

a few hours later she and her friend decide to walk down to the local market .. within minutes of her returning home, i get a call from the market manager .. he had found her cell phone in the parking lot and decided to call "mom" on her phone in an attempt to locate the rightful owner of the cellphone

she usually isn't that lucky with people turning in her phone .. the one she has now is probably #5 or even maybe #6

in an act of unexpected maturity, the last time her phone was lost, she confided in me .. "mom .. i don't think i should be getting another cell phone until i learn not to lose it" .. i couldn't have said it better myself

so earlier this week when she discovered her cell phone was once again missing and deciding that someone must have stolen it from her backpack at school, she didn't insist that we run out immediately and purchase a replacement phone

which means she uses MY cellphone .. i wandered around yesterday looking for my cellphone .. unable to find it, i asked her where she put the phone .. of course she gets that look on her face .. the one that says "why are you asking ME?!?" .. a quick call to my cellphone and i trace the sound to underneath her bed .. good place for my phone eh .. at least its better than being in the parking lot of the grocery store

now mind you, i'm not complaining .. for several very good reasons:
#1 it doesn't do any good

#2 in a few short years she'll be heading off to college and i'm going to long for the days my young daughter and i spent playing "find the cell phone"

#3 it doesn't do any good
#4  she's slowly realizing on her own that she is ultimately responsible for the location of her cell phone

#5 it doesn't do any good

#6 her inability to learn the "cellphone responsibility" lesson is overshadowed by her recent attempts to take care of her room and clothes .. every sunday evening she washes her own laundry and leaves a note for me asking me to be sure and dry her clothes when i wake up in the morning

as it was this morning ..

after i loaded up her laundry into the dryer, i heard an unmistakable "ka ka plunk .. ka ka plunk" .. and i've done enough laundry to know that is NOT the sound of wet laundry rolling around in the dryer

opening the dryer, i retrieve her long lost cellphone .. wet but clean .. the same cellphone that "MUST have been stolen from her backpack at school"

and apparently, its still in working condition

i win the latest round of "find the cellphone" .. do i get a prize?